Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the ILI Tours & Accommodations section really about?

As Freemasons, we all know that hospitality and benevolence are traits we all possess. As members of the Invisible Lodge, our largess extends to include a special knowledge in the magical realm. JR Knight said “You know what would be awesome? To have the ability to see all our members on a map, so you can log into our web site and take a look before you travel.” And the ILI Tours & Accommodations system was born.

2. Do I have to participate?

Absolutely not! Participation is completely voluntary. We’re specifically looking for people who want to openly invite ILI members to their jurisdiction and show them around. Likewise, you’re free to look around and view the profiles of the members that are participating without volunteering yourself.

3. How do I “sign up?”

If you’re looking to visit another jurisdiction, just head to the map!

  1. When you find an ILI member in the region you’re planning to visit click the Message button.
  2. Drop the user a line and let them know when you’ll be in their region.
  3. Also, check out the Activity tab on their profile. For activities you can do in their region. Some members will offer to serve as your tour guide to these destinations, or can provide contacts at the locales to help you ensure the best possible visit.

If you’d like to serve as a “local expert” follow these instructions:

  1. Go to your ILI Profile Page.
  2. Enter a Biography, so people will know a little about you.
  3. On the Activity Tab, make a post about the Masonic/Magic destinations in your immediate area. (Helpful hint: You might include a photo, the time required to visit the destination(s),  the hours the location(s) are open to the public, etc.) (View a sample)
  4. At the top of the page, click the GEAR icon and click Edit My Profile.
  5. Scroll down to the ILI Tours & Accommodations Map section.
  6. Start typing in the name of your city. When it appears, click it.
  7. Click the Update Profile button.
4. HELP! How do I take myself off the map?!?

You can permanently or temporarily remove yourself from the map.

  1. Edit your Profile.
  2. Scroll down to the ILI Tours & Accommodations Map section.
  3. Delete your city name.
  4. Click the Update Profile button.